Minggu, 18 November 2012



      Once upon a time. . . there lived an old widow with three daughters who used the call and the youngest oldest.. their life is very poor. They were selling apples in the back garden of his house.. they manage the orchard very well..
      One day.. suddenly her mother was seriously I’ll but no drugs other than it could have menyembuhkan particular drug is a drug that in nature leaves of the coals from the top of the mountain magic. But the two oldest children  didn’t want to because they are afraid, but her youngest daughter was not scared and he wanted to go  to the mountains for the cure the top of the mother..
      The youngest  went to the top of the mountain, when he got there he heard a rumble and the roar of a very hard. Powerful voice that is the youngest snakes very afraid. Also asked oldest magical embers to his mother. The snake was going to give him coal gai but with one condition that is the youngest to be his wife. But in order to save her the youngest willing to marry a snake magic. The youngest went home and cooked leaves of the magical embers. Eventually the mother’s health.
      Next day.. the youngest son to see the snake, snake named n’daung to fulfill his promise. The youngest arrived at n’daung snake hiding in the night he was surprised to see the prince n’daung snake, snake n’daung telling the truth to the youngest. If n’daung day snake turned into a snake, but if the evening becomes a prince n’daung snakes. N’daung snake told the youngest to the snake skin burn n’daung be a handsome prince but the youngest did not want to.
       One day, the eldest and her brother wanted to see the youngest. They are planning something evil. For the youngest and her husband drove by the youngest of the prince’s life.
       The oldest and his brother intended to set fire to biscuits snake n’daung the youngest in the dismissal by the prince. But instead they make the snake n’daung be the prince. Finally live happily and the prince took the youngest family lived in the palace .

         ULAR  N’ DAUNG
     Pada zaman dahulu hiduplah seorang janda tua bersama kedua putrinya yang biasa dipanggil si bungsu dan si sulung. Hidup mereka sangat miskin. Mereka berjualan apel hasil kebun dibelakang rumahnya. Mereka mengelola kebun apel itu dengan sangat baik..
     Sampai suatu hari, tiba – tiba sang ibu sakit keras. Tapi tidak ada obat yang bisa menyembuhkannya selain ada obat yang khusus untuk menyembuhkannya, obat itu adalah dedaunan yang dimasak dari bara gaib dari puncak gunung. Tapi kedua anak sulungnya tidak mau karena mereka takut namun putri bungsunyatidak merasa takut dan dia mau pergi ke puncak gunung demi menyembuhkan ibunya.
     Si bungsu berangkat ke puncak gunung
Sampainya disana ia mendengar suara gemuruh dan raungan yang sangat keras. Suasana itu dari ular sakti, si bungsu sangat takut, walaupun dengan rasa takut, si bungsu pun meminta bara gaib untuk ibunya. Ular pun mau memberinya bara gaib tapi dengan satu syarat yaitu si bungsu harus menjadi istrinya namun demi menyelamatkan ibunya, si bungsu rela menikah dengan ular sakti itu. Si bungsu langsung pulang dan memasak dedaunan dari  bara gaib itu. Akhirnya sang ibu sudah menjadi sehat.
     Keesokan harinya, si bungsu menemui sang ular yang bernama ular n’daung untuk memenuhi janjinya. Si bungsu tiba di persembunyian ular n’daung pada malam hari ia terkejut melihat ular n’daung menjadi seorang pangeran, ular n’daung pun menceritakan kejadian yang sebenarnya  pada si bungsu. Jika siang ular n’daung menjadi ular tapi jika malam ular n’daung menjadi seorang pangeran. Ular n’daung menyuruh si bungsu membakar kulitnya agar ular n’daung menjadi pangeran yang tampan. Tapi si bungsu tidak mau..
     Suatu hari, si sulung dan adiknya ingin menemui si bungsu. Mereka merencanakan sesuatu yang jahat bagi si bungsu dan suaminya dengan cara mengusir si bungsu dari kehidupan sang pangeran. Si sulung dan adiknya berniat membakar kulit ular n’daung agar si bungsu diusir oleh sang pangeran. Namun sebaliknya mereka membuat sang ular n’daung menjadi sang pangeran. Akhirnya mereka hidup bahagia dan sang pangeran mengajak keluarga si bungsu tinggal di istananya..

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